As part of its commitment to release capital to its shareholder, Christchurch City Holdings Ltd (CCHL) completed a very successful inaugural bond offer within the New Zealand debt capital markets. Northington Partners worked as CCHL’s financial adviser during the establishment of its capital bond programme and the NZX-listed bond offer. Raising $150m will enable CCHL to meet its 2018 financial year capital release commitments, and it has provided a platform for continued diversification of its debt programme, which was a key driver in entering the debt market. CCHL is the commercial and investment arm of Christchurch City Council. The company is responsible for managing the Council’s investment in eight fully or partly-owned trading companies – Orion New Zealand Ltd, Christchurch International Airport Ltd, Lyttelton Port Company Ltd, Enable Services Ltd, City Care Ltd, Red Bus Ltd, EcoCentral Ltd and Development Christchurch Ltd.